quasar devSever with own certificate

i just tried to get a localhost certificate to work on my setup-
and after some try and error i got this to work:

using minica to generate a cert:
create folder .certs in your project root

mkdir .certs

navigating inside

yourProject $ cd .certs
yourProject/.certs $ 

create a cert:

yourProject/.certs $  minica -domain localhost

import the root ca minica.pem in firefox or your default browsers..

then add in your quasar.conf

// ....
const fs = require("fs");
// ....
module.exports = configure(function (/* ctx */) {
    return {
// ....
        // Full list of options: https://v2.quasar.dev/quasar-cli-vite/quasar-config-js#devServer
        devServer: {
            open: false, // opens browser window automatically
            // https: true, // for automagically self-signed cert.
            https: {
                key:  path.join(__dirname, ".certs/localhost/key.pem"),
                cert: path.join(__dirname, ".certs/localhost/cert.pem"),
// ....

and that indeed works 🙂

sadly if you are search the web you first will land at
(scroll down a bit)
as there is an example of the webpack config.
and in the vite doc there is currently none for this setup..