in the last days i managed to finish the porting of the Animation – from originally CircuitPython to now Arduino/C++ (have a look at
now – if my measuring is correct – i get 120FPS – and that without any optimizations – all calculations are floating-point and trigonometry… 🙂
open points & nice to heave & feature requests are:
- add ambient-light-sensor
- more control over the color&brightness gradient
(implement full gradient concept ?!) - remote control for color hue & brightness
(for sync with other props) - add sparkling effect
- add short flash effect
- add temperature sensor
(at full brightness & white & with the current animation – the heat-sinks are reaching ~60°C at 23°C ambient… and that is with already limited power of the LEDBoards themselves…)
the overall next step is to mount it into my staff. if i have finished this, i can tweak the rest…
more to follow..